Auction Catalogue

Auction Catalogue

TSL (Tinplate Div.) CFG Items auction Dt. 27-04-2024 will be held on 27/04/2024, 11:00 AM on behalf of TATA STEEL LTD - TINPLATE DIVISION (CFG)

Please review the Term & Conditions and Material Catalogue TCIL5118 on or before 27/04/2024, 11:00 AM.

Auctioneer Info

A. H. Bilimoria & Co.

71, Park Street
Park Plaza, North Block, Unit - 4F, 4th Floor
West Bengal, Kolkata - 700016
+91 8240839911 / 7003840027 / 9875497077

TRF Ltd. NTPC, Nabinagar site Misc items auction (26-04-2024) will be held on 26/04/2024, 03:00 PM on behalf of TRF LIMITED

25th April, 2024…..….. at 11:00 AM--For inspection of materials the interested customers should report at TRF
Limited, NTPC Limited, Ankorha, Nabinagar Super Power Thermal Power Plant, Nabinagar, Bihar - 824301 ------- BY
10:30 AM.
Interested customers have to come with Aadhaar Card, safety shoes, safety jackets & safety helmets
at the time of inspection. before 25/04/2024, 11:00 AM.

Please review the Term & Conditions and Material Catalogue TRF5109 on or before 26/04/2024, 03:00 PM.

Auctioneer Info

A. H. Bilimoria & Co.

71, Park Street
Park Plaza, North Block, Unit - 4F, 4th Floor
West Bengal, Kolkata - 700016
+91 8240839911 / 7003840027 / 9875497077

TSL West Bokaro Capital & Misc Items Re-auction (26-04-2024) will be held on 26/04/2024, 12:00 PM on behalf of TATA STEEL LTD-WB

Please review the Term & Conditions and Material Catalogue TATA5113 on or before 26/04/2024, 12:00 PM.

Auctioneer Info

A. H. Bilimoria & Co.

71, Park Street
Park Plaza, North Block, Unit - 4F, 4th Floor
West Bengal, Kolkata - 700016
+91 8240839911 / 7003840027 / 9875497077

TSL (Tinplate Div.) ETP (Sheet Form) Auc Dt.26-04-2024 will be held on 26/04/2024, 12:00 PM on behalf of TATA STEEL LTD - TINPLATE DIVISION (NON CFG)

Please review the Term & Conditions and Material Catalogue TCIL5119 on or before 26/04/2024, 12:00 PM.

Auctioneer Info

A. H. Bilimoria & Co.

71, Park Street
Park Plaza, North Block, Unit - 4F, 4th Floor
West Bengal, Kolkata - 700016
+91 8240839911 / 7003840027 / 9875497077